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Archive for the category “Author Interview”

Finding The Angel: Interview with the author, Rubina Ramesh

It is always a thrilling experience to come across an author with a refreshingly bold voice. Rubina Ramesh is one such author and I have always loved reading her stories. Getting the opportunity to edit her very first novel was the icing on the delicious book-cake.

Having worked closely with Rubina, I thought I knew everything there was to know about  “Finding The Angel” but then I got the chance to interview her and I surprised myself with the questions and Rubina did with her answers.

Let’s just say we bring out the best in each other 😉

Over to the interview…

Sonia Rao (SR): Hi Rubina, thank you for agreeing to this interview. I’d really love to know how was this experience of writing “Finding The Angel (FTA)” different from writing Knitted Tales, your anthology of short stories? 

Rubina Ramesh (RR): Hi, Sonia. Thank you so much for these lovely questions. For Finding the Angel – the credit goes entirely to you. Your support meant a LOT to me during that time.  I wrote Finding The Angel when I was at my lowest point. I had lost the one person who meant the world to me. I think I created my escape world in FTA. I wrote the first draft in 3 days. Nonstop. I don’t think I can do it ever again. People often ask me whether I am a serious writer or a writer of sweet romances. I only know I am a writer. I really don’t care about the genre when I am writing.  I write Romance to spread the cheer that will make even a cynic’s lips curve upwards in a smile. Love to me is a powerful emotion which can never be trifled with.  So while FTA is my escapism, Knitted Tales is my facing realities with events either experienced or heard from others. Which one is which, I am not telling ..haha haha.

SR: Which format do you prefer working on: short or long fiction?

RR: Short as of now. Something that can be finished in one go, yet remembered for some time. In this digital world, we have access to so many books. To make the readers pick it up and read it is a challenge every writer faces. Moreover, these reads are for those moments of relaxation when one needs to unwind after a hard day’s work. So I want my stories to always have a happy ending. I love to imagine the smile that must be spreading on the faces of my readers as they reach towards the end of my story.

SR: How important was research for this book and how did you go about doing it?

RR: For FTA, I had to do a lot of research for the Fabergé Egg that I was planning to use. I needed something with a history. It had to be something so important that would keep my protagonists apart yet would help destiny to bring them closer. Not many have touched the rich history of Fabergé Egg, so I took my chance.

SR: Why do people prefer reading romances so much? 

RR: For the simple reason why we need to breathe. How can our world go on without love? When you say the word love, your face automatically lights up in a  smile. Try it sometime in front of the mirror. Each one of us wants to believe that true love, soul mate, finding that moment in your life, is true. The cynical ones are cynical because they didn’t find it or it did not meet their expectations. To me, love is not about a man or a woman loving you. It’s about love. My love. My heart. My emotions. So how can it not be beautiful?

SR: What advice would you give about publishing to someone whose MS is publishing-ready?

RR: Do not wait for a publisher to knock on your door and request for the MS. Do not wait for the moment when someone will discover you. Today the publishing world is very dynamic. Every writer’s future lies in their own hand.


Learn more about Rubina Ramesh and ‘Finding the Angel’  below (psst psst, you can win chocolates and gift vouchers):

tour with Pinterest

Rubina Ramesh
All She wanted was love…
Shefali is a die-hard romantic. Having lost her parents at a very tender age, she is in search of a place which she can call home. Her passion for Art lands her a job as an art curator to the famous artifacts of the Ranaut Dynasty. When she meets the scion, Aryan Ranaut, she feels that her dream might come true until…
All He wanted was to trust…
Living the life of a modern day Prince is no easy task for the young and dashing Aryan Ranaut. Having lost his father to a rapacious woman, Aryan has severe trust issues. But upon meeting Shefali, he feels he could let down his guard. Until…
All They need is to find The Angel…
Just as Aryan realizes his love for Shefali, one of the most precious artifacts, The Angel, goes missing from the Ranaut collection. All fingers point towards Shefali—more so because she leaves the palace without telling anyone on the very night of the theft.
Finding the Angel is a story where duty clashes with love and lack of trust overrides passion. Under these circumstances, can The Angel bring the star-crossed lovers together?
Grab your copy @ |

Follow the tour of Finding The Angel on Pinterest

About the author

Rubina Ramesh is an avid reader, writer, blogger, book reviewer, and marketer. She is the founder of The Book Club, an online book publicity group. Her first literary work was published in her school magazine. It gave her immense pride to see her own name at the bottom of the article. She was about 8 years old at that time. She then went to complete her MBA and after her marriage to her childhood friend, her travel saga started. From The Netherlands to the British Isles she lived her life like an adventure. After a short stint in Malaysia, she finally settled down in the desert state of USA, Arizona. Living with her DH and two human kids and one doggie kid, Rubina has finally started living the life she had always dreamed about – that of a writer.

You can stalk her @

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DOUBLE JEOPARDY – In Conversation with author, Sundari Venkatraman

Even though, once upon a time, a day was not complete if I had not read 2-3 Mills&Boon, the craving had petered off once higher studies and other mundane activities of living took over. So, it was with mixed emotions that I came to Double Jeopardy and then, could not put down the book till I reached the end. Let’s just say, for the inveterate romantic that I am, this book was a treat. If you are one, too, then read this book. Even if you are not, still read Double Jeopardy. You might discover you actually are one.

Let us know more, then,  about the person behind Double Jeopardy, the author, Sundari Venkatraman.

Sonia Rao (SR): Sundari, you’ve mentioned “you got home one evening after your walk and took some sheets of paper and began writing. And that was how your first novel was born.”  Tell us what happened on that walk.

Sundari Venkatraman (SV): I was actually in a very disturbed state of mind, Sonia, when I left home for the walk as I had no sense of direction in my life. I had quit my job a few months earlier and was quite fed up of only reading books. I had to do something, I thought. I am huge a fan of Mills & Boon and I used to keep visualizing Indian heroes and heroines in many of the scenes. As I was brooding about my life, it suddenly struck me that I should put my imagination into words on paper. I had never written before – unless my arm was twisted, of course. And that too was for essays in school and college. My walk home was pretty fast for me as I felt compelled to write the book. Writing fiction was like a dam burst. I loved it. I still do.


SR: Ernest Hemingway always wrote standing up. How do you write? What do you use for writing?

SV: Thank you for that interesting tidbit of information I didn’t know. I believe Erle Stanley Gardner – author of the Perry Mason series – used to write more than one novel at a time and he used to dictate them to his secretaries. They used to have a tough time keeping up with his speed. I began my writing journey with a note book and pen. I used to diligently type it out on my PC. Over the past few years, I type directly into a word document.


SR: Perry Masons used to be quite a favourite of mine. Gardner must have had a busy writing day, then. So, what does your writing day look like, Sundari? Do you follow any particular rituals to invoke your Muse?

SV: I do proof-reading, editing and many other odd jobs while cooking 2-3 meals every day for my family. Writing happens amidst all these tasks. I don’t have a fixed time. I do it when I feel like. It’s like watching a movie in my head and I just put the scenes into words, if you know what I mean.

There was this time when I was writing a book titled ‘Meghna’ while planning another called ‘Sangita’s Dilemma’. Whenever I tried to visualize Meghna and her hero, I found Sangita and her guy coming forth, demanding my attention. The scenes would not stop. They interrupted me so much that I remember getting up in the middle of one night at 3 am and putting it on paper before going back to sleep at 5.30 am. Only after that could I go on to complete Meghna.


SR: You came to writing after you quit your job. If not a writer, what else would you have become?

SV: I was working in school administration before I quit and began writing. When publishing did not work, I went looking for a job again and landed one with Mumbai Mirror. I worked over the next 7+ years with MM & a couple of Network 18 websites. Publishing with Indireads happened a couple of years after I quit Network 18. I am glad now that I am back to doing what I like best.

I am not sure what I would have become if I was not a writer. Maybe a cook as I enjoy that second best to weaving tales.


SR: Which is your most favourite book? They say writers are readers. Comment, please.

SV: Yeah, I am a voracious reader. There are a number of favourites like Jeffrey Archer’s books – all of them. I find his short stories inspiring. They are so well written. In romances, my favourite authors are Penny Jordan, Janet Dailey, Margaret Way, Julie Garwood, Nora Roberts and some others. I adore Georgette Heyer’s works. They are so humorous that I hope that some time in the future I could write like her.

I recently read Adite Banerjie’s M&B and loved it. There are a number of Indireads authors’ works that I thoroughly enjoyed. Andy Paula, Zeenat Mahal, MM George, Jazz Singh, Neelima Vinod, Parul Tyagi & Yamini Vijendran are all first-time authors and they write extremely well.

I like the works of Ravi Subramanian, Amish Tripathi and Ashwin Sanghi, too.

My all-time favourite is JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series. I can’t remember how many times I have read them all. I loved each one of them every time.


SR: Tell us the story of Double Jeopardy, your recentest novel, in tweet-form.

SV: I like this question 🙂 I actually tweeted it to check if it would work 😉 Twitter handle: @sundarivenkat

Sanya arrives in Mumbai to meet childhood sweetheart Arth, but is swept off her feet by Ansh. Check the preview on …


SR: The characters in Double Jeopardy have beautiful names: Sanya, Ansh and Arth. What parameters or perhaps a modus operandi do you follow for deciding on names for your characters? What sort of research do you do for your novels?

SV: Thank you! I am glad you like the names of my characters. With five completed novels, two in the pipeline and 17 short stories, names are not easy to come by. I check out names on Google search. Again, the character has to come alive in my head when I give a name. Otherwise, it’s a no go. Like there is this 6-year-old in one of my novels. I tried a number of names for him. I could see him lying down there refusing to get up when I tried each one on him. Suddenly, when I called him Sandeep, he woke up and started playing around. I realized then that the name has to bring alive the character. That’s how it works for me.

I just chose Sanya out of the blue and her character unfolded pretty well. I was wondering about the twins’ names when my daughter came up with Arth and Ansh. The names brought their characters alive and so worked for me.

Once the novel comes alive in my head, I begin writing it. It is mostly based on info stored in my memory of places, people, clothes, jewellery, etc. Whenever I get stuck, I read information on Google. That’s my favourite research method. Like when I wanted to describe an Arya Samaj wedding in my book called The Malhotra Bride, I checked out the wedding ritual on Google. It worked out perfectly.


SR: How would you describe the main characters of Double Jeopardy in one sentence each?

SV: Sanya is lost without a purpose when she comes down to Mumbai, hoping to rekindle her love for Arth. She grows along with the novel. Arth is quiet and nice, but not the man Sanya imagined him to be. Ansh used to torment Sanya as a kid but the equation changes when he flirts with her.


SR: Double Jeopardy is a contemporary romance and has romantic situations that could be considered bold, to a certain extent. So, how much of the situations described in it are realistic?

SV: I go by the adage ‘fact is stranger than fiction’. So, I would say that all the situations can be termed real.


SR: E-books or physical books? Which format, according to you, works better for Romance novels? And why?

SV: That’s a tough question. I have grown up on physical books. I got introduced to e-books when DOUBLE JEOPARDY was published. There are times when I feel the urge to hold a physical book in my hand. It feels like it’s more fun reading that way.

But I feel e-books are here to stay – for romance or otherwise. To begin with, the pricing is great – you can buy 2-3 books in the place of one physical book. I can store hundreds of book in my Android and read whenever I please. Lugging around a few physical books are not the same. I also find that my book cupboard is overflowing – half in and half out, actually – so ebooks will have to work from now on.


SR: What’s next on the anvil? Romance, again? Or perhaps a change of genres?

SV: As I mentioned before, I have 4 more complete novels that have not been published. They are all romances. I am exploring self-publishing. I am writing a novel – a romance with some crime thrown in. I have completed one-third of it. I have to wait and see how it turns out.

I enjoy writing romances intertwined with issues that affect society. My subjects include arranged marriage, widow remarriage, marital rape, gay relationships and the like. I find a strong attraction to this genre.

Thank you so much for the interview Sonia Rao. I totally enjoyed answering your questions. They were quite interesting and a joy to answer.

SR: It was a pleasure, Sundari. Wishing you great success ahead and looking forward to reading more from you in the future.

(This post is part of  The Book Club’s Blog Tour of  Sundari Venkatraman’s Double Jeopardy)

Double Jeopardy by Sundari Venkatraman
The Blurb
Sanya doesn’t just have trouble, she has double trouble. Twins Arth and Ansh Sharma, are rich, sexy and sinfully handsome – what’s a girl to do?
Sanya last saw the twins when she was ten years old. Now, all grown up, she has come looking for gentle Arth, the twin she has loved ever since she can remember. But instead, she is confronted with fiery Ansh, who is hell-bent on seducing her. And what’s worse, she can’t seem to stop herself from responding to him.
As she chases Arth and is chased by Ansh, Sanya finds herself on a crazy roller coaster ride with no way of getting off. How will she deal with these two very different men in her life? Will she be able to convince one twin that she loves the other?
You can buy DOUBLE JEOPARDY on these websites

Meet the author

The Author’s Thoughts
Even as a kid, she absolutely loved the ‘lived happily ever after’ syndrome as Sundari grew up reading all the fairy tales she could lay her hands on, Phantom comics, Mandrake comics and the like. It was always about good triumphing over evil and a happy end. Soon, into her teens, she switched her attention from fairy tales to Mills & Boon. While she loved reading both of these, she kept visualising what would have happened if there were similar situations happening in India; to a local hero and heroine. 
Her imagination took flight and she always lived in a rosy cocoon of romance over the years. Then came the writing – a true bolt out of the blue! She could never string two sentences together. While her spoken English had always been excellent – thanks to her Grandpa – she could not write to save her life. She was bad at writing essays in both school and college. Later, when it was time to teach her kids, she could manage everything from Science to Mathematics and History & Geography. 
When it came to writing compositions, her kids found her of no help at all. All this changed suddenly one fine day in the year 2000. She had just quit her job at a school’s office and did not know what to do with her life. She was saturated with simply reading books. That’s when she got home one evening after her walk and took some sheets of paper and began writing. It was like watching a movie that was running in her head – all those years of visualising Indian heroes and heroines needed an outlet and had to be put into words. That’s how her first novel, The Malhotra Bride, took shape. 
While she felt discouraged when publishing did not happen, it was her husband who kept encouraging her not to give up. There was no looking back after that. While publishing took a long time happening, Sundari continued to write novels and then short stories and had them published in her blogs. Her luck turned when Indireads approached her to write for them and Double Jeopardy was born.
You can stalk her @
Blog Tour Schedule
1Jan-11 Jan 2014
(The Blog links will be live as and when the posts come up)
2nd Jan 2014
AditeBanerjie (Spotlight)
3rd Jan 2014
Jaibala Rao (Review/Interview)
My School Of Thought
5th Jan 2014
SrideviDatta (Review)
7th Jan 2014
VishwasByrappa (Review)
Byrappa’s notes
7th Jan 2014
Tales Pensieve (Interview)
7th Jan 2014
RuchiVasudeva Author’s nook
8th Jan 2014
Sonia Rao(Interview)
9th Jan 2014
NeeleshGajananInamdar (Review)
From the Heart – Neel
10th Jan 2014
DolaBasu Singh (Spotlight)
10th Jan 2014
SumeethaManikandan (Review)
Book Reviews by Sumi
11th Jan 2014
Rubina Ramesh (Review/ Interview)
The Book Club

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