
about writing and other such passionate matters

Archive for the day “June 9, 2012”


Before Twitter reached the powerful state of being where misdemeanors could be exposed via tweets and explanations offered, it was a novelty to describe your daily doings to the world, within 140 characters.
This is a tongue-firmly-in-cheek peek at a houseworkphobe’s (sometimes referred to as an oikophobe) one week of tweets. I became her (his??hey, I don’t know for sure) follower but then unfollowed because the tweets were beginning to hit too close to home.


The Houseworkphobe  @thehouseworkphobe

MONDAY: Eeks, saw some cobwebs in the living room. Must remind maid to clean.


The Houseworkphobe  @thehouseworkphobe

TUESDAY: Cobwebs in bedroom, 2. No wonder love – life is stagnant, too.


 The Houseworkphobe  @thehouseworkphobe

WEDNESDAY: Fengshui says removing clutter brings in new energy. But first, need energy to remove clutter.


The Houseworkphobe  @thehouseworkphobe

 THURSDAY: Watch Inception or clean the bathroom? Inception and chocolate cake won.


The Houseworkphobe  @thehouseworkphobe

 FRIDAY: It’s candlelight dinner every night. No, we don’t need the dimmer in our lights. The dust does it for us.


The Houseworkphobe  @thehouseworkphobe

 SATURDAY: Using Creative Visualization to clean. The dust                          and clutter, still there. Manifestation, not immediate???


The Houseworkphobe  @thehouseworkphobe

 SUNDAY: A day of rest for all  🙂



(Disclaimer: If you find any similarities between The Houseworkphobe and me, I would say you have a wild imagination.)

How was/is  your twitter experience?


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