
about writing and other such passionate matters

Online Literary Magazines Decoded – The Four Quarters Magazine

(This is the first of a series of posts planned, as the title suggests, to decode online literary magazines with an aim to provide this resource to writers who are keen to submit their work to them. Comments are invited to help make this series even more comprehensive).

TFQM April 2013 - Cover Art by Marc Saverio

TFQM April 2013 – Cover Art by Marc Saverio

I am mesmerized by the cover. The crimson discs with dark red clots, sandwiched between the brown insects (some with their insides squished out) and neat stacks of bronze coins, drag my willing eyes again and again to itself till I click on the link that went  live at the stroke of midnight of the 17th instant. I swiftly scan the current offerings of The Four Quarters Magazine (TFQM) and am not disappointed.  Eye and soul candy are rolled into one delectable treat, which is themed, “To Ugliness.”

TFQM is an online literary magazine which launched its first issue in December 2011 and from the very first day it seems to be competing with itself in providing a literary feast that never fails to impress and awe.  It began with Poetry, Fiction and Memoirs in the first issue with translations and non-fiction prose added in the next. Artworks were introduced in the third issue followed by book reviews in the fourth. Clearly, TFQM seems to revel in pushing beyond its own borders.

Dedicated to the fostering of creative writing in English, TFQM is an elegant literary quarterly, jam-packed with well-known literary names as its peer reviewers, guest editors and contributors as well as interesting new voices, from all over the world.

It is, as it says “a labour of love – a love that dares speak its name, a love of literature and the written word, a passionate polyamory of sorts.”

The latest issue has been launched this time as independent html pages for better readability instead of the usual pdf pages.  Embellished with intriguingly intricate art work by Arjun Choudhuri, who is also one of the editors ( Arjun Rajendran and Samyak Ghosh are the others, while well-known poet/writer, RK Biswas did the honours as the guest editor) this issue provides an intensely satisfying read to lovers of great literature.

A great website, a Facebook group,  a TFQM Fan Page and twitter handle, TFQM has it all. It is also listed in Duotrope.

If you are a writer:      

  • No fee is charged for submissions.  The following are invited for publication: Poetry, Prose Fiction, Prose Non-Fiction, Experimental Writing.  Artwork and Photography would be considered, too.
  • Beginning from the previous issue, the submissions are required to fit a clearly explicated theme. “Writing Memory” was the previous theme while the current one is “To Ugliness”.  Theme for the next issue is yet to be announced.
  • The Submissions page provides clear information about the whats and hows of the submissions.  For example, they clearly do not accept ‘saccharine’ romance.  But hey, read the rest carefully.
  • No deadline dates mentioned on the site but do request to join the TFQM group on Facebook where the information is disseminated at the relevant time. The issues come out in December, April and August. The theme is announced approximately two months before the issue publishing date with one month to submit.  Keep an eye out for the exact dates.

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12 thoughts on “Online Literary Magazines Decoded – The Four Quarters Magazine

  1. Sonia, as a fellow short story writer, I love that you’re doing this! I’m definitely going to add you to my rotation of blogs to read. What a great resource you’re creating! Seriously, thank you!

  2. It’s my pleasure, Jocelyn. It feels good to know that one’s writing can provide some service. My best efforts will be to ensure the resource is comprehensive and helpful. Cheers and thanks for visiting here and commenting.


  3. So many opportunities for readers and writers. A person could spend every waking hour of the day reading and not even scratch the surface of what is out there.

    Thanks for the comment on the A to Z Blog. You did it there so I’m not sure what to tell you about your other attempts. Cross-commenting from Blogger to WP and vice versa is not friendly sometimes, but I’ve gotten to where I don’t have many problems anymore.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

    • That’s so true, Lee and I hope, this becomes a time-saved resource for writers. It would have been an ideal world (and with much time saved :D) if cross-commenting was easier. Ah, well! I’m very happy, though, to have you visit here. Thank you, Lee


  4. Many thanks for posting such valuable information! I will check this out ASAP! Looking forward to more:)

  5. I’ll check this out too I am very much a newbie but have been very inspired by the a to z, really loving blogging and wished I’d done it years ago.
    maggie at expat brazil

  6. I read their latest issue ( bits actually) and really loved it! Thanks for this post!

  7. This is nice. I am waiting for your theme foe August issue. I would like to submit a poem then.

  8. Glad you liked it, Salvwi.

    And correct me if I am wrong, but are you talking about submitting a poem to TFQM? If so, you need to check out their website for the relevant dates etc.

    And for your convenience here is the submissions link:

    Happy Writing 🙂

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